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The battle belongs to the Lord. He will hand all of you over to us 1 Sam 17:47


When we are in the Valley of Elah, it could a valley of victory or will it be a valley of fear


There was a battle between Israel and Philistines in the valley of Elah. The word says, Saul and the army of Israel gathered together. They camped in the Valley of Elah. They lined up their men to fight against the Philistines. 1 Sam 17:2 Same way we are also in battle with the principalities of darkness.

Enemy: In this battle the enemy they had to face was very powerful. The word says, A mighty hero named Goliath came out of the Philistine camp. … He was more than nine feet tall 1 Sam 17:4 We might be facing a situation, that looks like hopeless and we might feel there is no way out.

Fear: When Israelites faced this tough challenge, they literally trembled. The word says, When Israel’s army saw Goliath, all of them ran away from him. That’s because they were filled with fear 1 Sam 17:24. In our current situation have we given up? People did nothing for 40 days but just in fear seeing the enemy they just ran away. Are we running away from reality out of fear?

Faith: But one man in Israel saw the situation totally in a different perspective. David said, In fact, I’ve killed both a lion and a bear. I’ll do the same thing to this Philistine. … He has dared the armies of the living God to fight him. 1 Sam 17:36. When we look at situations in Lord’s strength and when we are fully aware that Thebattle belongs to the Lord. He will hand all of you over to us 1 Sam 17:46 Stop looking to solve the situation, but start looking at the source of solution. Yes we know David killed Goliath without sword, but with stone.

Prayer: Lord, I am in the valley of Elah, facing a situation that I am not able to face. I ask forgiveness for fearing the situation. Now I look at you, in whom I trust, you are my only hope. All I need you is you alone, I know you will lead me out of this valley of Elah in victory.

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