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The Cloak’s Meaning In Relation To The Jordan River

The Cloak’s Meaning In Relation To The Jordan River - Morning Devotion 12 September 2022

by Pastor Solomon Kings | Morning Devotion

2 kings 2:8-9 Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up, and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and left, and the two crossed over on the dry ground. When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?”

The Bible has a lot of symbols. For instance, the Jordan River can be used as a metaphor for the issues and obstacles we face on a daily basis, such as our financial situation, our families, and our jobs. These difficulties, therefore, affect everyone, and nobody is trouble-free.

According to the Bible, Elijah’s cloak represents the identity of God’s anointing on him. There are various issues and difficulties; even when God arrived on earth, he had challenges. So the cloak symbolizes the anointing of God and those who will carry it. Isaiah 10:27 defines anointing as the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God. The anointing is what delivers God’s people and sets the captives free.

People were thus anointed to be kings and Levi, while some were anointed just for the purpose of being able to pray. Some people preach the gospel. Despite the fact that we already have certain anointings, we typically don’t use them.

Instead of just following the rules, there should be zeal and a desire to be anointed. 

We must also wait in God’s presence. We must ask God for his word so that we will be able to move forward. In addition, if God has given us a task to complete, we must do our best to achieve it while trusting that God will assist us. We must also pray to God that he be with us as we complete the task.

In the same way that Elijah did in the Jordan River when the water split into two with the cloak’s anointing, God will solve the problems in our jobs, homes, and other areas in the same way.  If we have the anointing of God within us, he will also offer us new paths that allow us to live in peace if we have the anointing of God in us.

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