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Moses was eighty years old … when they spoke to Pharaoh.  Exo 7:7 

Let us analysis Moses life, he was born in the most unfavourable situation. When Pharaoh commanded to kill all boy children of Israel, he had to grow up away from his own parents in the kings palace, 40 years like that, then trying to help an Israelite, he killed a Egyptian, Pharaoh knowing it tried to kill Moses, he ran for his life into the wilderness, he was a shepherd in the wilderness for another 40 years. No relatives, no parents, no purpose in life if you look at him at 80. He lived 120 years, now 2/3 rd passed away in huge struggle, no visitation from God, no miracles. Do we feel the same way, wasted away life?

But last 40 years of His life is the greatest story in the whole bible. He did the maximum number of miracles in the Old Testament. He led a whole nation out of Slavery; He spoke to God face to face, Ten Commandments, Red Sea division, and provision of Manna, Quail, and Water from Rock. 40 years in wilderness the shepherd staff, was used by God for the next forty years to do great and mighty things. Wait the Lord is going to transform your life, let’s be humble like Moses. Wait for all to start like the experience Moses had at the burning bush. 

Prayer: Father Lord; I know you are going to take me to the next level. Lord I am trusting and waiting to start with you at the burning bush. Amen.

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