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The disciples led the donkey to Jesus” Mark 11:7

Story: Jesus during His ministry came into Jerusalem once glorified by people, the mode of transport chosen by Jesus was a young donkey, Jesus told THREE things about the donkey

1. Present: “He told them, “Go into the next village. As soon as you enter it, you will find a young donkey” Mark 11:2 Jesus knows you present state

2. Past: No one has ever ridden on it , Jesus knows our past.

3. Future: If anyone asks why you are doing that, say, ‘The Lord[a] needs it and will soon bring it back. Mark 11:3 Jesus knows our future

Lesson: Jesus could use even a donkey; by His grace we were also chosen. Jesus knows our past, present and future, so just trust. If we are tied, wait the Lord is sending His people to untie us. What a joy, when we can carry Jesus where ever we go.

Prayer: Father Lord, you know everything about me; untie me that you can use me to go to places in your glory. Amen.

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