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You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else Rom 2:1 


How easily we condemn people? How easily we feel others are wrong? How easily we are offended at others mistakes? Most of the times we feel we are better than others. All these emotions runs through our heart because we already have judged someone. Word says you have no excuse to be forgiven if you judge.


How do we overcome judging? 


Paul said, after years of ministry towards the end of his life. I am the chief of sinners. When we look at the holiness of God, one realization we will have, what great sinners we are. Everyone who saw the Lord immediately fell-face down, because they understood how worthless they are. Have you realised the holiness and awesomeness of God. 


David remembered always that he was picked out of miry clay. Paul always remembered he was saved by grace. Do we remember that we did not deserve forgiveness but it was God’s compassion and grace alone. So it is not by our merit, then we will never judge someone else. For at this point by mercy we received forgiveness earlier. Let’s pray others will also confess. 


Always correct your brother who has backslidden, in secret out of all gentleness with the fear that we also if not careful might fall into the same sin. Do not be overconfident that you will not sin. Trust and Depend on grace, work out your salvation in fear and trembling. 


Love those who sin, Jesus loved sinners. But hate sin. If you love someone truly, you will not have the thought of judgement. But when you see someone you love falling, you will be filled with compassion. Do you love others with the love of God. Release the love you received to others. Love others with the love of God. Unconditional and Sacrificial love. 


Lord; I realise I am the chief of sinners, I remember I am pulled from miry clay, help me to reconcile my brother to Christ in gentleness and anoint me to release God’s love into others life. Amen.

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