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“Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” Dan 10:12


When Daniel prayed, Lord answered and send Gabriel with the answer to Daniel, on the way satan stopped, then Lord send Archangel Michel to fight satan, just think Daniel prayed and the Lord was ready to send two of the most mightiest angels. Do you want Lord to respond the same way when we pray today(the first day)? What should we do?

1. set your mind to gain understanding: Fear of God is the beginning of understanding and wisdom. Do we live in the reverential fear of God? Or are we take grace for granted. Word says work out of your salvation in fear and trembling. Remember we are living in the watchful eyes of the Almightily God.

2. set your mind ..to humble yourself before your God. Most miracles(in number) what the Lord has done was through Moses, the reason is because, the word says, Moses was the most humble man ever lived on the face of the earth. Lord’s spirit makes us realize how wretched we are; Paul said I am the chief of all sinners, to feel that at heart, Lord needs to really work in us, Work of the Holy Spirit starts with conviction.

When we ask out of God’s fear, in humility, Lord answers on the very first day. He sends down His angels for us.


Lord, my father, teach me to fear you, take away all pride from me. Make me humble that you can use me. Amen.

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