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The Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.2 Thess 3:3


James explained why we are going through trails. What should we do when we are encountering trails? What will be the result of our troubles? Are confused what to do? Have you given up because of the tough times? 

Joyful in midst of Trails

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds. Jam 1:2. The evil one can not defeat us with trails. We lose the battle when we are discouraged and give up hope. We need to be joyful even in our trails, we will be able to do it when we are sure that the Lord is in control and He has a great plan for what we are going through. Joy will overflow when we know end is always victory and glory for God. 

Develops Perseverance

Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Jam 1:3. Lord; first place could hinder the trail, but because He loves us, He permitted temptations that we could bear and already setting a way out. Lord wants us to develop the nature of perseverance, which is the nature of Jesus.

Mature and Complete

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Jam 1:4. Lord permits tough times so that we will be mature and complete like Jesus. Free training from God so that we will be more like Christ. Pains permitted are precious. Trails and troubles will get us the treasures of Heaven. Are we still discouraged and scared? 

Ask what you lack

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. Jam 1:5.  When we do not understand what is going on in our life. We need heavenly wisdom. We all lack it; let us ask God, to have the perspective of God. Lord I want to have your burden, and your nature.

Ask in Faith

But when he asks, he must believe. Jam 1:6. Lord; rebuke the unbelief in me. Let praying be like breath for us. Let every request we ask be for the glory of God. Let us come to the throne of grace with confidence that Lord always answers.


Lord; when troubles come let me not lose heart. Sorry Lord to limit you. Thank you for all the plans you have for me. Teach me to pray and to ask in faith. Give me heavenly perspective. Amen.

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