Verse: “That could not happen even if the Lord opened the windows of heaven” 2 Kings 7:2
Thought: When Elisha told to the Officer about the deliverance, the Lord is going to bring on to the nation the very next day. Although he desperately needed the Lord to work. He was pretty sure it would not happen, because he even without his knowledge believed the deliverance is too difficult for God. We also have lost hope in some situations of our life. Lord is asking you “Is anything too hard for the Lord ?” Gen 18:14 . This question was asked by God to Abraham when it was impossible for him to have a child in humanly way.
Like this officer we might not tell it out, but in our heart we really doubt if God can do it. The Lord is not able to do things in our life because we have limited him. Why do we see God equivalent to man in solving problems. Let us look at Him and see how great He is, than looking at a problem for which He already has a solution. Word says before letting us being tempted, He has already kept a way out.
Prayer: Jesus, I am sorry for making you too small. When I am in your hands there is nothing impossible. I believe in you and please drive out every bit of doubt in me.Amen.