Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him Rev 19:5
Praise: There is power in praising God. Even in heaven when John saw the vision he wrote. “After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: “Hallelujah!” Rev 19:1. Remember those who see the Lord will praise and that brings the glory of God.
Servants: “All you his servants” Rev 19:5 who should praise the Lord, servants of God Almighty? Servant is the one who does what the master wants him to do. Be holy for the Lord is holy. Lord makes us ready for the eternity when we have the servant hood. Do we have this attitude?
Fear: “You who fear him” Rev 19:5 who should praise the Lord, whose who fear God. When we know the Lord Almighty we will have holy fear. Not the fear of condemnation, but reverential fear of God’s greatness and we will never take grace lightly. Do we fear God?
How could we praise God in tough situations? The word says “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory” Rev 19:6,7 The knowledge that the Lord reigns over our situations gives us deliverance from fear and we will have a heart of joy. Do we have joy?
Father Lord, I praise You for You reigns. And You have given us the right to be called as Your friend. I am Your servant for ever. Amen.