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The Lord has done this for me,” Luke 1:25a

Zechariah and Elizabeth, were godly couple (“Both of them were righteous in the sight of God” Luke 1:6), but they did not have a child, the word says “..they were childless  … and they were both very old” Luke 1:7. For the Lord, it is never too late, He answers always at the right time.

God sent an angel and confirmed that they will have a child. This was result of their prayer. For the angel said “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard” Luke 1:13. This is promise we have, not to fear but to believe that our prayers are answered.

Elizabeth said “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace …” Luke 1:25b All our disgrace will be taken away, for we have found favor.

Prayer: Our Lord has done it, as He has answered our prayers, shown favor and He has taken away for disgrace. Amen.

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