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And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a large number who believed turned to the Lord. Acts 11:21
Do you have the burden for souls? If not, you need to examine if you are actually saved. Yes I am having the burden but do not know how to bring people to the Lord. Then ask the Lord that His hands will be upon you. Then He will open up circumstances, conversation where people will come to the Lord. Lord uses available people. Stop thinking how to do and start telling Lord I am ready.

The word says, “And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:27. Genuine salvation happens only when the Lord is involved, so let us stop convincing people emotionally, stop portraying everything so rosy, just come to the Lord every problem will be solved. Let us stop attracting people to the Lord proclaiming blessing alone, but let us bring people by speaking of God’s unfailing love.

And teach the people to live holy for the word says “Go ye therefore, and make disciples …teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you:” Mat 28:19,20. Let us focus on overcoming sins and teaching others to do the same. Then Lord will use a clean vessel mightily.
Lord, help me to obey your words. Lord, anoint me to deliver people out of their sinful lives. Amen.

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