“Great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all.” Mathew 12:15
Everyone who followed Jesus was healed, many who followed would not have had faith, many would not even knew Jesus personally, many would have followed for others, but irrespective of their spiritual state, every sickness of everyone was completely healed just because they followed Jesus. Best example blind man in John 9 who was healed did not even know Jesus, but He was at His presence.
We too have lot of physical and spiritual sickness, which we tried sincerely to correct, we have miserably failed many times, now we have come to point thinking I do not deserve to receive the love of God. Lord is looking only at our availability (we being at His feet sincerely crying out for help), healing is His responsibility; so let us in all our ways just follow Jesus always. Like the blind man who kept on shouting Jesus have mercy on me.
Lord who raised Lazarus from death, healed the 10 lepers, paralytic man who was brought down the ceiling, gave back life to Jairus daughter, healed Peter’s mother in law, restored the life of a widow’s son from Nain, the list goes on, Lord is ready for your healing, are you ready and at His feet?
I know I am going to be healed in Jesus name. I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back. Jesus, hold me close to you and never let me go. I am laying my life to you. Amen