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This is what the LORD says: If you will return, I will take you back. Jer 15:19

Lord had great plans for His people, but they rebelled and sinned and went away from the Lord and now they are in slavery (like we are in the bondage of sins). But our loving Lord through the prophet Jeremiah is promising the people, that they will be restored only if they return. Let us also confess and return to the Lord, Lord is calling us back.

If the evil one is tempting you and if you are in a horrible pit, do not worry “They will not prevail over you; For I am with you to save you And deliver you,” declares the LORD. Jer 15:20. If you are not able to overcome your sinful habits, just surrender and ask God’s help, for He promised “And I will redeem you from the grasp of the violent.” Jer 15:21. It is wonderful to live a holy life and much more great when the Lord is able to operate through you to fulfill His purposes.

Lord, you know me, how I fall into willful sins, forgive me Lord, redeem me that I will be only your. Save me from the clutches of sin, that I will live in your presence forever. Amen.

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