Give thanks to the L ORD, .. Fully declare his praise Ps 106:1,2
Ungratefulness to Lord, will lead us to trust in our capabilities, makes us discouraged and broken when we fail and will lead a life of struggle because we try to achieve everything by our efforts and slowly these things pushes us into deep sins like grumbling and complains (as we see everything as a result of our efforts).
Here in this portion we see, Israelites when good things happened to them Psalm 106:12,13 ” they believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done”. Slowly they stopped thanking God; which resulted in Psalm 106:11 “they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your (his) many kindnesses”. This led them to see situations with human eyes, and felt situations are impossible and Lord has left them, thus Psalm 106:12 “they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.”.
They limited God, and Psalm 106:14 “they put God to the test”. Therefore God Psalm 106:15 “So he gave them what they asked for, but sent a wasting disease among them.”. All of them died in the desert, because they forgot to thank the Lord, which lead to all sins, grumbling, doubting, complaining and unbelieving etc. So let us write down all good things what the Lord has done and thank Him.
Lord I Thank you, for you are good, you have blessed me abundantly. Help me to praise you fully. Amen