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Abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3

“He will show you mercy, have compassion on you” Deu 13:17 One thing that is assured is that Lord is always merciful. Each time I fall, Jesus lifts me up by His mercies. I tried understanding His mercies. I could not. It is so great that each time I see it differently.

“Show mercy to me according to your great love.” Neh 13:22 He shows mercy not because of our deeds but because of His love for us (Unconditional). As the song ‘His mercies endures for ever’. One moment try to meditate. I grumbled, murmured and questioned but still His mercies kept working on me.

“Will it keep begging you for mercy?” Job 41:3 Sorry Lord, for pleading to you many times to show mercy on me without realizing your mercies are always working on. How will I live a life without you after enjoying your love and mercies?

Lord thank you for teaching me your mercies. Amen.

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