+91 9811273880, +91 (11) 45667112 info@flagchurch.org

Familiarity Leads to Sin

Familiarity Leads to Sin Familiarity Leads to Sin - Morning Devotion 30 July 2022 by Pastor Solomon Kings | Morning Devotion https://www.flagchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Familiarity-Leads-to-Sin_mixdown.mp3 II SAMUEL 6:6-8.Uzza was struck to death for which David is...

God’s Presence

God’s Presence God’s Presence - Morning Devotion 29 July 2022 by Pastor Solomon Kings | Morning Devotion https://www.flagchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/Gods-Presence_mixdown.mp3 2 Samuel 6:11 – David danced before the Lord’s ark.Psalm 65 speaks about God’s...
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