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…Now restore us Psalm 60:1

After death of Saul, David was fighting with all his enemies, once when David’s armies were battling two Syrian foes at the north eastern portion of Israel; the Edomites took advantage and came to attack Jerusalem. David had written this Psalm during that time. Hearing the news David immediately sent Joab and a severe battle took place at the valley of Salt and the Edomites suffered a crushing defeat. What led to the victory and what was David’s confidence in sudden danger.

Fear of God –“But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner..” Psalm 60:4 David knew the truth that the Lord will raise a banner for those who fear God. Do we really fear God, examine for the word says Prov 8:13 ” To fear the LORD is to hate evil “

Love our God – “…..those you love may be delivered” Psalm 60:5 Lord has testified in the word Ps 91:14” “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him…” Do we love the Lord more than everything else in life? Greatest thing in life is to love the Lord Almighty.

Depend on God – “….human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies” Psalm 60:11,12 Let us depend on God and not on man for our Lord promised Isaiah 49:23 “Those who trust in me will never be put to shame “

Prayer: Father Lord, who is Heaven, teach us by the Holy Spirit the true fear of God. Oh! that we will depend on deliverance that came to us from the death and resurrection of Jesus. We will love you Lord with all my heart.

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