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 Jesus replied. Mat 21:21a 

When we face uncertainties in our future, how do we receive what we expect? Seeing miracles disciples were amazed and they asked Jesus, How did it happen so quickly, here it says Jesus replied Mat 21:21a. What did Jesus replied? 

Faith: Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt Mat 21:21b, supernatural to happen; starting point is faith and we do not doubt. When he trust in the Almighty who made the heavens and earth, the word says “also you can say .. and it will be done”.  Mat 21:21c 

Ask: If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Mat 21:22 If faith is the starting point, asking is finishing point. Jesus said, whatever you ask and believe the Lord to partner and fulfill, we will surely receive. 

Prayer: Lord; I believe what I am asking. I receive by faith in Jesus Name. Amen.

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