Listen, all …: thus says the LORD to you, ‘Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s. 2 Chron 20:15
When Jehoshapat was the King of Judah, great multitude of army of three nations came to fight at an unexpected time. And Jehoshapat came to know when the army was very close. Now there is a possibility that God’s people could be wiped out, for they had no strength to meet the army. Jehoshapat was very afraid. Are you in a similar situation? Enemy is close, at the valley; it could be valley of death, valley of Bacca.
Events (2 Chro 3 -21)
1. Look: v3 Jehoshapat turned His attention to God and proclaimed a fast, start to look at God who is the deliverer.
2. Pray: v5 – 12, Jehoshapat called everyone and prayed to God
3. Anointing: v 14-17 Spirit of the Lord came down on one man, Lord proclaimed through him do not worry for the battle belongs to God, and said tomorrow go and face the enemy, God is with you, you will not fight but just see the deliverance. Watch the salvation. That prophetic word is to the one who is reading.
4. Worship v18 – 19 all people just worshipped and praised with loud voice. Praise God, his glory will descend.
5. Thanking: v 20 – 21 they went out proclaiming their trust in God, thanked God for His everlasting kindness.
2 Chro 20 :22 – 26 While they were singing Lord set ambush in the enemy’s camp, they were routed and destroyed completely, when Judah came to the battle ground they saw only dead bodies. We are more than conquerors we do not fight but we claim the victory that God won. Next three days they took just to collect the valuable items of the enemy. Lord will give treasures of darkness. They named that Valley as Beracah. Valley of death was turned into valley of praise.
Prayer that Changed.
When Jehoshapat turned his attention to God he made a prayer, that made God himself come down proclaim the victory and fought the battle for the people. Word has set us this example of a beautiful prayer that was made in crisis.
2 Chro 20 : 6 -12 (6 verses of prayer that changed history)
1. Described who God was: v6 He prayed, Lord you are God of heavens, ruler of kingdoms, no one can stand against you; for power and might is in your hands. Let us describe our Lord who is so awesome and words and this life time is not enough to describe who God is. When we describe; His greatness surrounds us, enemy flees.
2. Praise God for What He has done. v7 He said Lord you gave this nation to us, You gave to your friend Abraham as a promise. Speak out what Lord has done for you. Awesome, speak your testimonies, Rev 12:11 by blood of Jesus and the word of testimony accuser is defeated.
3. Proclaimed what He will do. v8-9 He said in any situation if we come and ask God for help He will surely hear and deliver. Confess that our Lord is a prayer answering God. Confession of faith is the beginning of deliverance.
4. Described the situation. v10 -11 He specifically told name of the nations who are in-justfuly coming to drive them out of their possession. Although Lord knows your situation, when we speak our state, we are inviting Lord into our specific areas of life. Stop praying generally and start being specifically. Word says you did not receive for you did not ask for it. So let us ask.
5. Confessed their Weaknesses. v12 He said we are powerless against this army, we do not know what to do, we hope and just looking at you. Yes Lord! I am helplessly looking at you.
Immediately Lord sends His Holy Spirit and deliverance. Let us come together and pray like this; that will change history. Bring nations to God’s possession.
My Prayer
Oh! Lord you are so great and awesome. You brought me his far, and I know you will take me safe and your plans for me are great, Lord I want you to use me to build your kingdom. Lord; deliver me from my troubles. Although I am fearful of future, my hope is in you. Amen.