He[Abraham] faced the fact Rom 4:19
Context: When we face tough situations in our life; most of us lose hope, or we become fearful, some of us even get into depressions and even murmur and grumble against the Almighty too. How to handle such situations? We will mediate on Rom 4:18-24. Abraham received a promise to have a child, promise got delayed, now Abraham is 100 years, Bible says Rom 4:19 “His body was as good as dead…Sarah’s womb was also dead”.
Fact: When we feel there is no chance. Are you in a similar state? What did Abraham do? Hope led to belief: Rom 4:18 “Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed…” When tough times comes; let our hope lead to belief. Never let our situation to waver what we believe. By Faith Abraham faced the fact: Rom 4:19 “Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead…” Stop running away from facts.
Strength: If things are bad let us face it with faith (confidence that Lord is in control and has a purpose). Thanked for the promise: Rom 4:20 “was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God” Giving glory comes from a heart that has trust in the promise. Strength comes from the promise you received and not on the actual state you are in.
Surety: Rom 4:21 “being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised”. Ultimate joy and peace comes into us when we are 100 % sure that Lord is powerful to fulfill my promise. Wow!
Prayer: Father Lord, my hope is in you, I trust in your promises, I am sure all your promises will be fulfilled in your time. Amen.