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Before our eyes the Lord sent miraculous signs and wonders Deu 6:22


With our eyes we will see the miracles of the Lord. If we read; Deu 6:22 – Deu 7:20. Lord reminds His children of all the miracles the Lord did for them. As we go thru this list, if you have already received let us take this opportunity to thank. If we are still in a state to receive it, let us humble ourselves and claim these wonderful promises. Let us not give chance for the evil won to have victory over us. Let us trust and receive the word of our victorious Savior.

 Lord saved us from sins and gave us Salvation; ‘brought us out’ Deu 6:23. Lord is our Provider; ‘we might always prosper and be kept alive’ Deu 6:24. He is our Protector; ‘Lord your God has delivered’ Deu 7:2. He makes usRighteous; ‘For you are a people holy to the Lord your God.’ Deu 7:6. He Loved Us unconditionally; ‘Lord loved you’ Deu 7:8. Lord Brought You Out of Danger; ‘he brought you out‘ Deu 7:8. He will Keep Loving us; ‘the Lord your God will keep his covenant of love with you’ Deu 7:12. Gives us Inheritance; ‘increase your numbers.’ Deu 7:13. Blessed Miraculously; ‘you will be blessed more than any other people’ Deu 7:14. Healed from all sickness; ‘Lord will keep you free from every disease.’ Deu 7:15. His hand Guided Us; ‘the mighty hand and outstretched arm, with which the Lord your God brought you out’ Deu 7:19’ List goes on.. He blessed you with all heavenly blessings.


Lord, I thank you for choosing me; I know you will protect me from all schemes of evil one. I know I am blessed more than other people. Amen.

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