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Pass On to Your Generation

Pass On to Your Generation - Morning Devotion 10 June 2022

by Pastor Solomon Kings | Morning Devotion

The Israelites passed though many places where some tribes have to be driven out. But, they were not driven out but existed.

(Judges 2:7)During the lifetime of Joshua, all people worshipped God. They know what God taught and what they saw.
(Judges 2:10) A generation rose up which didn’t know God. Every experience God gives us has to be left behind to influence our generation.
Interact with your children and the people around you about the path you have travelled.

(Judges 2:12) The Israelites provoked God following the heathen people and their God. They were stiff necked.
Hence, some heathen tribes were left behind because of their characteristics.
Some of us may not worship other Gods but worship money, positions, transforming to the pattern of this world. Do not provoke God by continuing in secret sins.
(Judges 2:1) God was burdened as the Israelites were disobedient.
Though God instructs certain commands we leave out some of them without following.

(Judges 2:14) The Israelites were sold out. The chosen people of God were left out in the hands of the enemies.

(Judges 2:15) God’s hand was against the Israelites and they were in terrible distress.
Let us check ourselves as whether we please God.

(Judges 2:3) God says that the enemies will cause distress.

(Judges 2:16) God raised Judges. Similarly, some people will raise and question us for our misdeeds.

(Judges 2:21&22) God wanted to test whether we walk in His ways or not. God wanted to know our heart.

Examine whether we pass on the deeds of God in our lives to our generations, not provoke God, obey Him, please Him and walk in His ways.

Let your generation be blessed.

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