Life lessons from the life of David to learn V
Learn from David V - Morning Devotion 15 August 2022
Infinity loops between God and David.
God has always been in the life of David, blessed him, led him, and shown him the path, and his life has always been prosperous. David followed God in the same manner. For instance, David was prospering and succeeding while putting Saul’s attempts to waste. Similar to this, we should have God within us so that he may lead us in all situations and show us the path to go.
David is persistent.
David is tenacious. No matter how many hardships he endures or how severe the circumstances are, he never loses sight of God in his life.
Psalm 63:1 You, God, are my God. Earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.
This may be the cause of David’s becoming fruitful. Even after becoming king, he still had a number of issues. Saul was against him, his son was against him, his wife had been abducted by Amelikites, and his father-in-law had driven his wife to wed someone else. There are problems in every aspect of the life of David that we can see. Even then, David was able to prevail. because David desired God’s presence in his life continually. Sometimes we only discover God when we need something then we ought to avoid God and rather should be ached god every time like David.
God calls a man after my own heart.
Acts 13:22 ‘I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’
David is the most morally upright person, according to God’s own testimony and even in the life of Job. Similarly, we ought to ask God to call attention on our behalf. We must always act morally and keep God close to us like David did if we want it to happen.