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God Is Our Helper

God Is Our Helper - Morning devotion 21 December 2021

by Pastor Solomon Kings | Morning Devotion


Hebrews 13:6

So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

God is our help. Hence, we shall not fear.

How do we receive God’s help and hence how not to fear?

A) God’s help is from Elshadai who is omnipotent God. He says it to Abraham.
The help we receive is divine. It is not humane.
God is capable of doing everything. His almighty hand is with us.

B) God’s help is not periodical or seasonal. Whereas help from human is seasonal. He is unchanging God, which is said in Hebrews 13:8.
God helps according to our personal needs. Need will differ from every person to person.

C) Read Hebrews 13.
List of needs as mentioned in Hebrews 13:1- need for love, 13:2- need for benevolence/acceptance , 13:3- need for sympathy, 13:4-need for holiness, 13:5-need for permission, 13:6- need for equality, 13:7- need for stability.
God’s children needs stable growth and not ups and downs.
All these needs will be satisfied by God.

His love, mercy and might never changes.


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