Gift of Spirit of Discernment
Gift of Spirit of Discernment - Morning Devotion 26 May 2022
1 Corinthians 12:10- Discerning of spirit.
Saul was given a spirit when he returned after finding the donkeys.
Genesis 32:1,2 – people met Jacob. Jacob knew/recognised that they were angels of God.
1 Thessalonians 5:19-21- never underestimate the prophecy. We need to test every spirit.
Never be deceived by believing everything. God has not created us for it.
Mathew 7:1&2- We will be judged and measured as we judge and measure others.
1 John 4:1&2- Confessing Jesus as Lord is important while prophesying.
Acts 16:16-18- A girl was rebuked by Paul, as she prophesied. Know the spirit which operates behind the one who speaks good about you.
Philippians 1:9&10- Knowing the truth is important.
Genesis 18:2- Abraham saw the angels of God and recognised them immediately.
Pray for the spirit of discernment.