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It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8



There are many who believe this is the centre verse in the Bible and number of Chapters after and before this Psalms is same (594). I believe Lord is teaching us to have this verse as the centre of our faith. That is to trust in God.


Today a girl in Church illustrated, you did not think before sitting on the chair, do you trust God like the way you trust the chair blindly, it could surely carry me. I was really heavy at heart today morning before going to Church. Hearing this I asked myself; Is my confidence depended on the circumstances or is my confidence on the one who is in control of every situation.


You might not see any hope, let us for a moment; take our eyes of the situation. Just look at Jesus, who is always ready to help. Can our Lord ever leave us, Can he ever forsake us? We know He will never, but still where is our trust. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. What an awesome God I serve.



Lord you know all my weakness, teach me to trust in you. My answer is you Lord. My hope is in you Lord. From the bottom of my heart, I say, I Love you Lord. Amen.

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