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There was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Rev 8:1

Heaven where Jesus himself is reigning, best choir in the world by angels, worship by the greatest in the world (Abraham, Moses, Peter, Paul etc). Now it is silent because God is going to pour out His anger. It’s going to be the punishment for the mankind for their sins. ” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Heb 10:26. Yes Lord I am the main reason many times for Heaven to be sad.

Teach me Lord only to speak your word and to live on your word. “Be still and know that I am the Lord” Ps 46:10 Jesus I am so impatient and do not know when to be quiet. Lord Jesus I know my tongue has the power of life and death. Let my tongue be used only for giving life.

As Jabez prayer in 1 Chro 4:9 let me not be a pain to anyone. Jesus I do not want anyone to be hurt by my words or the way I live. Let others glorify you by the way I live. I know I had been a failure of being a stumbling block to many. But Jesus I know you are still working on me. I know you will “Never give up on me!” Bless me that I will be blessing to others.

Jesus you never gave upon me, you loved me even in my fall. You always held me with your hand and lifted me up. Let me be the cause of the greatest rejoices in heaven (For heaven rejoice when one soul comes to the kingdom of God). Amen.

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