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They were helped in fighting them, and God handed the Hagrites and all their allies over to them, because they cried out to him during the battle. He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him. 1 Chro 5:20


What a verse Lord gave me for the month of September. Oh ! I was thinking how I will fight this one. It was too tough for me. When I felt I am of no use for this battle, Yes I can’t do it. Lord answered in a mighty way. I need to do a very simple thing.

Step 1 : they cried out to him during the battle 1 Chro 5:20. Oh how easy to cry out. Lord I am helpless, let us together mean and run to him and say, Lord I helpless.

Step 2 : Just trust (they trusted in him. 1 Chro 5:20), whatever is the situation just speak out, Yes Lord you will deliver, you are awesome your ways I do not understand. You are beyond comprehension.

There we go. Lord Answers … He helps them in battle … God hands over the situation into our hands. Yes now I am more than a conqueror. Yes receive the deliverance as you read this. In the name of Lord receive it.


Yes Lord! Thank you for answering. My Life is in you Lord, My strength is in you, My Hope is in you. In You, It’s in you. Amen.

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