So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his clothes, he came before Pharaoh. Gen 41:14
Previous day Joseph was in dungeon, prison clothes, not shaved probably shabby. His brothers tried to kill him and sold him as a slave, it looked like a successful plan as they got rid of Joseph from their home. Potiphar’s wife tried to accuse and get Joseph punished for what he did not do, she was also successful. Butler totally forgot to help Joseph. It is 13 years passed Joseph had the dream, but it had been suffering. Where was the Lord in all this ?
All what God needed to fulfill the promise was just a dream. Dream resulted in Butler getting reminded of Joseph, prison to palace, prisoner became the prime minister as a result of dream. When we look at our lives, we might see the prison, brothers who hurt, Potiphar’s wife who wickedly accused. One who promised is faithful to fulfill. Also it says Joseph was brought quickly, when Lord starts working it will be very quick. 13 years was the best training that Joseph could have – pit to potiphars house to prison to palace. Can we continue to trust in the promises of God